Gemma Solà Sotos

Art Fairs

In Gemma Solà Sotos work, the canvas becomes a space for exploring contemporary themes, linking them to specific symbols and places.

She engages with topics like the blending of reality and fiction, self-representation, and the impact of social media, using humor, irony, or seriousness. Her artwork have deep roots in her childhood, and though her artistic career started only after leaving school, Solà Sotos thinks of her relationship with art as a life long friendship. The artist continues to draw from this relationship as never ending source of inspiration for her work.

Between 2014 and 2018,  she studied at the University of Barcelona to obtain her Bachelor's degree in Fine Arts. In 2018 she moved to Munich and continued her artistic training at the Academy of Fine Arts, in the class of Gregor Hildebrandt. She currently lives and works between Vienna, Munich and Barcelona.